The schoolchildren studied the first weeks, but “returned” from vacation to reality not all. Some three weeks were quite enough for adaptation after a long vacation, but someone needs more. September in the school calendar is considered a transitional month. How to help the child quickly enter the river and set the right rhythm for the whole academic year?
The rules for both younger schoolchildren and high school students are largely similar, says teacher-psychologist Dmitry Selifanov. They are simple, effective and tested by time.
9 rules for a successful start
1. A full -fledged dream
Vacation – the time of canceling the strict requirements of the regime. A child of any age needs to gradually return to full sleep. Winter school students need to sleep at least eight, and preferably ten hours. If the lessons begin at 8:30, we open it back for two hours to fees and the road, that is, the hift should be immediately after “good night, kids!”, No later than 21:30. Older children may be enough for eight hours.
In any case, look at the well -being of the child. Not enough-add an hour or two. And it is advisable for first graders to sleep during the day.
2. Walks and physical exertion
Physical education lessons in the air are provided in the school curriculum for a reason. If possible, then the child should also walk during the day or in the evening, before bedtime. Morning charging and muscle load during the day are no less important. The student spends a lot of time at the desk, and he is extremely necessary for him to move.
3. Regular nutrition
Be sure to find out from the teacher than feed the children, does your schoolboy manage to eat for change. Perhaps you need to give him something with you. And don’t forget about a tight useful breakfast. In the fall, it is worth supplementing the diet with vitamins.
4. Communication with peers
It seems to adults that during the school year the main thing is lessons. But not: the games and communication with classmates are no less important. Perhaps now, after a long summer, there are especially many such meetings. Do not be afraid: soon the hunger of communication will quench, and the balance of study and entertainment will normalize.
5. Dosed load
It is necessary to supplement the study with out -of -all activities gradually, after the schedule is finally settled. In the first month, wait for excessive intellectual load: foreign language courses, classes with tutors, chess and additional lessons. And do not worry if your offspring “Forgot everything over the summer” means he had a great rest. Gradually, he will remember everything. Sports, music, dancing can be done since the beginning of the school year, especially if they are joy. The main thing is to ask the child more often what is interesting to him.
6. Daily routine
It can be difficult for children to correctly and quickly distribute their time. It can be difficult for us, with our multi-storage and time of time management, it can be difficult to understand this. Help your child make a schedule for a day and a week (do not indicate, but tell me). “Map of the Week” can be hung in a prominent place. It is worth making lessons, additional classes and entertainment: cinema, theater, campaigns on birthdays to friends, traveling to relatives. Such a cheat sheet will help the child and you plan the time.
7. Pleasant trifles
Most likely, you have already committed and even bought a raid on stationery stores what specialized teachers asked (albums for drawing and drawing, compasses, calculators). But maybe the child will want a new bright notebook or another pen – the same as a girlfriend. Such, at first glance, trifles help to study with pleasure.
8. New clothes
The older the schoolboy, the more important to him his appearance and clothes. Even if you can choose a form for a child with your eyes closed and you do not need, take it with you to the store: let him take part in the process, choose what he likes more. In addition, the desire to show a new thing at school will become an additional incentive for the student.
9. Trust communication
Do not ask duty questions from the series “How are you?”,” What was asked?”,” What assessment I received?”. Ask about something specific: “What new today you have learned?”Or” You have come upset (joyful) – tell me why?”. Sometimes you don’t need words – just sit nearby and hug a child.